Connexion Group

Dance Program

A typical 6th & 7th Dance Agenda is as follows:

The dance begins at 7:30 p.m. sharp, with boys seated on one side of the room and girls on the other. A short etiquette topic starts the program, followed by traditional dance instruction, introduction to chaperones, refreshments and nontraditional dance instruction. The finale, which sets us apart, is our ever-popular “mixer.”  Students are dismissed at 9:00 p.m.




Typical 6th & 7th Grade Program taught by

Pure Entertainment Company STL

(Adapted for Each Grade)


First Dance: Posture, Impressions, Hand Shakes, Dance Position, Step-Touch with Lean & Bend and Partner Turn.


Second Dance: Personal and Dance Etiquette, Social Conversation and Small Talk, Waltz – Box Step, Merengue.


Third Dance: RSVPs, Waltz 6-Count, Swing Partner Moves, Sugar Push, Pinwheel, Single & Double Twirl, Partner Rollups.


Fourth Dance: Personal Reputation, School Spirit, Etiquette for Smaller Gathering, Swing, The Pretzel, Merengue.